School and Childcare Protection Bollards
Is Your School/Childcare Center Properly protected?

When it comes to our children we can't be too careful. A mother accidentally hits the accelerator - what happens next?
Or what about the bus driver when he gets distracted and enters the car park a fraction too fast?
Or just maybe a father, who is late for work, jumps out of his car to unlock the boot but forgets to take the car out of drive.
Are the children protected as well as they should be? Is your facility an accident waiting to happen?
Little accidents like these happen everyday around Australia. With a bollard we can reduce the accident from making the news and becoming a tragedy.
Safety bollards are positioned between traffic and people and will stop a wayward vehicle - even a bus!
Don't take the chance. If you're concerned that your school isn't protected as well as it should be then please contact me for a free appraisal. I'll visit your site and give you a written report. It takes less than 30 minutes and there's no cost or obligation.
Mistakes happen - but you can reduce the odds of a serious incident. Contact me today.

To get a quote on School/Childcare safety the quickest and easiest way is to call me directly on 0402 178 986 or fill in the form below and I'll get back to you

Cheap Bollards Fail
Warning: Buying a cheap bollard for a school or childcare centre could be fatal. You may save money at the time but it could cost you more than money down the track. A properly installed bollard will stop a moving vehicle and keep your children safe. All my premium bollards are designed to stop vehicles in their tracks and come with a lifetime guarantee.
If you'd like to find out any more information on protecting your school or childcare centre please click here.
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