Listen up. I’ve got some shit on my liver today and I’m not gunna take any more bullshit. Just got off the phone from some dickhead who thinks he knows everything.
He’s clueless. He wasn’t too happy with what I told him, but I’m not in the biz to sell crap. Sometimes the customer isn’t right and it’s my job to set him straight.
This guy wanted 1000mm high protection bollards. This is not a very good height that will become apparent shortly. Here’s a brief rundown of our conversation….
Me: Will cars be driving anywhere near these bollards?
DH: Yes. The bollards are to protect shoppers walking to and from the carpark, so yes, cars are nearby.
Me: Well 1000mm isn’t high enough.
DH: Why?
Me: Because those 4WDs and other Toorak Tractors make it impossible to see 1000mm high bollards, especially when reversing.
DH: Oh! But we want 1000mm bollards.
Me: Well I’m not going to sell them to ya. They are NOT the right product for this job.
I don’t care that you like 1000mm high bollards or that all your other protection bollards are this height. This is a terrible height for a bollard. You just can’t see them at that height.
Here’s the thing.
Properly manufactured and installed protection bollards should be able to withstand impact from a slow moving car (they bloody well better be able to). But you don’t want to encourage these impacts. I’ve seen the aftermath of too many reversing incidents to know what I’m talking about.
A bollard should deter all collisions and definitely not encourage them. And the best way to deter them is to make them so they’re visible. They must stand out.
My protection bollards come in at 1200mm in height. They also have high visibility reflective markers so they’ll stand out like dog balls. All my testing and research has found 1200mm is the perfect height. The unit is super strong and also highly likely to be seen, even when Mary is reversing the Land Rover with the kids screaming in the back.
I can make your bollards any height, but if your protection devices are gunna be around cars then please make sure they’re 1200mm in height.
Some more specifications:
You can have round or square bollards – this is purely a cosmetic thing, both are equally as strong as the other.
Width – the base plate needs to be at least 250mm to 300mm in width to ensure strong fixing to the ground.
Base plate thickness – 10-12mm. This makes it as strong as an Ox.
If you need a protection bollard then I’m your man. I guarantee my baby’s for 15 years and I’m super confident that they’ll do the job for you. And hopefully deter any impact from those crazy drivers out there.
Talk soon,
Shug (watch out for Sunday drivers) Strachan
P.S. Apologies to any Mary’s out there.