Category Archives: Ram Raiding

If you are looking for ram raiding, then you have come to the right place. For getting more details visit or call us at 1300-786-652.

Permanent Bollard Installation in Laverton North

Here are some photos of an installation of my permanent bollards in Laverton North. The purpose was to stop forklifts from damaging their fridges.    

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Removable Bollard Installation in Geelong

Attached are some photos of my Shug Removable Bollards for a guy to protect his motor home and classic cars in his Geelong garage.

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No Business Is Safe from a Ram Raider

Some people may think, “No one will ram raid me, because there is nothing of real value in my business,” but that is completely incorrect. This type of attitude is what will place you in the radar of thieves, because you will not be thinking a step ahead of them and their devious tricks. What…

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What a Disgrace! – Cheap Bollards Fail Again

This news report is really unbelievable. Watch the below video to see how a couple becomes victims of a poor installation job at a shopping mall. The couple who owns the lotto agency at the Phoenix Park Shopping Centre in Perth have been ram raided. The saddest part is that this could have been avoided…

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Bottle Shop Ram Raids on the Rise

Bottle shops are one of the largest targets for ram raiding, and the trend is on the rise. Probably one of the reasons for this unfortunate fact is that perpetrators know they can easily sell their stolen merchandise (alcohol) quickly and cheaply. Additionally, the thieves have the ability to steal large amounts of alcohol within…

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Bollard making production line

Here’s a picture of me hard at work in my bollard making factory. Back in the day I used to make all sorts of things from metal; artwork, gates, golf and fitness products. Even used to weld for a local business around the corner. But not any more. These days my focus is 100% on…

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Bollards in need of a paint job

I seen these bollards in Bayswater Vic and they are in need of a new paint job. A lick of paint would bring these bollards back to brand new. If you require your bollards repainted or replaced please contact me on 0402 178 986 or via email by clicking here

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Ram Raiding Bollard Install Job

I’ve just got back from meeting with Nick, a small business owner whose factory is in Bayswater, Victoria. Nick wants to stop the likelihood of Ram Raiders destroying his property and has been motivated into action because a neighbouring company was Ram Raided last month, causing almost $30,000 damage. They stole stock and made a…

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Why Security Screens Don’t Work Against Ram Raiding

In the surveillance video below, you can see how easy it was for these thieves to ram raid straight through a security screen. Unfortunately for the thieves, their exit was not that easy, the BMW struggled to reverse through the shop’s shutters, needing several attempts before escaping successfully. Most security screens or shutters are made…

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Ram Raid at Langwarrin Shopping Centre

Watch this video on a Ram Raid attempt at a Langwarrin Shopping Centre.     The perpetrators used a Nissan Patrol to Ram Raid through the front doors of the Langwarrin shopping centre, In an attempt to steal money from a free standing ATM.   The two men in the video, stole the Nissan Patrol…

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