Category Archives: Protection Bollard Installation

Shug is a local Melbourne designer who specializes in protection bollard installation. For getting more details visit or call us at 1300-786-652.

Permanent Bollard Installation in Laverton North

Here are some photos of an installation of my permanent bollards in Laverton North. The purpose was to stop forklifts from damaging their fridges.    

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Is your childcare centre properly protected?

This week and elderly driver crashed his car into a child care centre in the outer Melbourne suburb of Monbulk. Luckily, there were no serious injuries. The owner of the facility, Karen Tanish, says that protection bollards she had installed years earlier had stopped the car from reaching the building. Is your facility safe? You can’t…

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Bollard making production line

Here’s a picture of me hard at work in my bollard making factory. Back in the day I used to make all sorts of things from metal; artwork, gates, golf and fitness products. Even used to weld for a local business around the corner. But not any more. These days my focus is 100% on…

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Healesville Bollards at Vic Roads

I just went into Vic Roads in Healesville to pay for the registration on my car, I notice in the car park some galvanised bollards. These bollards wont be going anywhere in a hurry, who ever installed these bollards did a great job. I think these bollards are being used more for trolley storage than…

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Rebound Bollard Working Prototype

Gday Everyone, I have some great news from Shug headquarters, I have finally finished my first prototype of the Shug Rebound Bollard and I’m giving you a sneak preview of the first working prototype. I whipped up this video and attached some photos for everyone out there to look at. This bollard is designed to…

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Random bollards on the Sunshine Coast

My brother sent through these pics of some random bollards. He lives in a quiet spot, inland from Coolum, on the Sunshine Coast Queensland. He spotted these bollards on his morning walk. What has surprised me since getting into the bollard game is how many bollards are out there. They are everywhere and I reckon…

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Rebound Bollards needed for McDonalds

Dropped into McDonalds yesterday for a quick lunch. I can’t help it, but I see bollards all the time and the bollard pictured below smacked me right between the eyes. There’s no doubt this bollard has had a hard life. Been hit by cars and trucks and from the look of it I reckon it…

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Protection Bollard Specifications

Listen up. I’ve got some shit on my liver today and I’m not gunna take any more bullshit. Just got off the phone from some dickhead who thinks he knows everything. He’s clueless. He wasn’t too happy with what I told him, but I’m not in the biz to sell crap. Sometimes the customer isn’t…

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Protection Bollard Installation

Here’s a little video on a recent bollard installation Some points to note: The concrete makes these bollards almost indestructible Rust proof Guaranteed for life Get a quote today

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