Category Archives: Blog

Bottle Shop Ram Raids on the Rise

Bottle shops are one of the largest targets for ram raiding, and the trend is on the rise. Probably one of the reasons for this unfortunate fact is that perpetrators know they can easily sell their stolen merchandise (alcohol) quickly and cheaply. Additionally, the thieves have the ability to steal large amounts of alcohol within…

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Definitive Guide to Bollard Pricing

It’s a real pain in the arse when you go to a website and they don’t list their pricing. It’s like they’re hiding something from their customers or they’re too scared to share this information with their competitors. But not here at I’m here to help and I want to give you the full…

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Rebound Bollards needed for McDonalds

Dropped into McDonalds yesterday for a quick lunch. I can’t help it, but I see bollards all the time and the bollard pictured below smacked me right between the eyes. There’s no doubt this bollard has had a hard life. Been hit by cars and trucks and from the look of it I reckon it…

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Ram Raiding Bollard Install Job

I’ve just got back from meeting with Nick, a small business owner whose factory is in Bayswater, Victoria. Nick wants to stop the likelihood of Ram Raiders destroying his property and has been motivated into action because a neighbouring company was Ram Raided last month, causing almost $30,000 damage. They stole stock and made a…

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Warning: Read this before you buy a cheap bollard from China

This is not a complete bash on imported products from China. Some items are fantastic and many factories in China have gotten their act together. And I think lots of Chinese manufacturers are realising it’s cheaper in the long run to make quality products. But you still have to be careful. Take this bollard I…

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Why Security Screens Don’t Work Against Ram Raiding

In the surveillance video below, you can see how easy it was for these thieves to ram raid straight through a security screen. Unfortunately for the thieves, their exit was not that easy, the BMW struggled to reverse through the shop’s shutters, needing several attempts before escaping successfully. Most security screens or shutters are made…

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