Author Archives: Shug

Why you need to install anti ram raid bollards

Ram raiding is on the rise. According to a recent news item on A Current Affair, thieves are resorting to using cars (often stolen) to gain access to your shop/factory/offices. The robbers are looking for all sorts of valuables and don’t care one little bit about you or your property. Although unfortunate, most of these…

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Protection Bollard Installation

Here’s a little video on a recent bollard installation Some points to note: The concrete makes these bollards almost indestructible Rust proof Guaranteed for life Get a quote today

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Stop Ram Raiding [video]

Check out the video below. It shows how proper security measures will stop ram raiding. A protection bollard or two in the right spot is all you need to protect your factory, equipment or people. Watch the video below. Interested in getting your facility decked out? Get a quote today.

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