Monthly Archives: April 2014

Bollard Installation Concerns

I have been supplying and installing bollards for people and companies for about six years now. One of the best things about going out to do a bollard installation job is meeting the customer in person. Another great advantage about this is that I get to know my product really well by understanding the installation…

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No Business Is Safe from a Ram Raider

Some people may think, “No one will ram raid me, because there is nothing of real value in my business,” but that is completely incorrect. This type of attitude is what will place you in the radar of thieves, because you will not be thinking a step ahead of them and their devious tricks. What…

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What a Disgrace! – Cheap Bollards Fail Again

This news report is really unbelievable. Watch the below video to see how a couple becomes victims of a poor installation job at a shopping mall. The couple who owns the lotto agency at the Phoenix Park Shopping Centre in Perth have been ram raided. The saddest part is that this could have been avoided…

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Bottle Shop Ram Raids on the Rise

Bottle shops are one of the largest targets for ram raiding, and the trend is on the rise. Probably one of the reasons for this unfortunate fact is that perpetrators know they can easily sell their stolen merchandise (alcohol) quickly and cheaply. Additionally, the thieves have the ability to steal large amounts of alcohol within…

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