Monthly Archives: July 2013

Definitive Guide to Bollard Pricing

It’s a real pain in the arse when you go to a website and they don’t list their pricing. It’s like they’re hiding something from their customers or they’re too scared to share this information with their competitors. But not here at I’m here to help and I want to give you the full…

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Healesville Bollards at Vic Roads

I just went into Vic Roads in Healesville to pay for the registration on my car, I notice in the car park some galvanised bollards. These bollards wont be going anywhere in a hurry, who ever installed these bollards did a great job. I think these bollards are being used more for trolley storage than…

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A bollard saves the day

Hey Everyone, How important are bollards for safety? If you watch the video bellow you will see why bollards are so important for pedestrian safety. A young girl walks along a path in a convenience store car park and the bollard saves the girl from serious injury or maybe death from an out of control…

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Rebound Bollard Working Prototype

Gday Everyone, I have some great news from Shug headquarters, I have finally finished my first prototype of the Shug Rebound Bollard and I’m giving you a sneak preview of the first working prototype. I whipped up this video and attached some photos for everyone out there to look at. This bollard is designed to…

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Random bollards on the Sunshine Coast

My brother sent through these pics of some random bollards. He lives in a quiet spot, inland from Coolum, on the Sunshine Coast Queensland. He spotted these bollards on his morning walk. What has surprised me since getting into the bollard game is how many bollards are out there. They are everywhere and I reckon…

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