Monthly Archives: June 2013

Parking Bollard saves the day at the Box Hill Hospital

I’ve just got off the phone from a bloke who lives near the Box Hill Hospital. He’s fed up with hospital staff and visitors parking in his only car spot, so when he gets home after work he needs to find a car park elsewhere. This is not easy as parking around the hospital is…

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Bollards in need of a paint job

I seen these bollards in Bayswater Vic and they are in need of a new paint job. A lick of paint would bring these bollards back to brand new. If you require your bollards repainted or replaced please contact me on 0402 178 986 or via email by clicking here

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Mackay In Need Of Parking Bollards

I had a phone call the other day from Steven at Lakeside Estate Body Corporate in Mackay, he wanted to know if I could help him with some parking issues he was having at a block of apartments. I suggested for him to purchase The Rock Parking Bollard, its a easy to use lockable, collapsible…

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Rebound Bollards needed for McDonalds

Dropped into McDonalds yesterday for a quick lunch. I can’t help it, but I see bollards all the time and the bollard pictured below smacked me right between the eyes. There’s no doubt this bollard has had a hard life. Been hit by cars and trucks and from the look of it I reckon it…

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Ram Raiding Bollard Install Job

I’ve just got back from meeting with Nick, a small business owner whose factory is in Bayswater, Victoria. Nick wants to stop the likelihood of Ram Raiders destroying his property and has been motivated into action because a neighbouring company was Ram Raided last month, causing almost $30,000 damage. They stole stock and made a…

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Melbourne bollard install to protect expensive gates

Was out over the Westgate today, in Laverton for a bollard install job. The job was to stop trucks from damaging the company gates. Can you believe that professional truck drivers would be hitting the gates? Hard to believe, but I suppose anything is possible when you have large vehicles entering a fairly tight driveway.…

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